
GALEO chief lashes out at Deal, legislature over new immigration law

By Staff
Posted 11:30AM on Friday 26th April 2013 ( 11 years ago )
ATLANTA - Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director of the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO), said Friday that by signing new immigration legislation this week, Gov. Nathan Deal "continues to stoke anti-immigrant sentiment..."

Gonzalez went on to say "The law will make Georgia more hostile toward foreigners and make Georgia less competitive in the global marketplace. When the national GOP is moving toward immigration reform, Governor Nathan Deal takes a huge step backward."

Deal signed the bill Thursday. (See earlier story. Link below.)

Gonzales notes that "Originally, the legislation was aimed at alleviating some of the problems caused by HB87, Georgia's version of the Arizona-style law passed in 2011. The original legislation was to simplify a complicated and bureaucratic mess on business and professional licenses. GALEO supported the original intent of the legislation as a commonsense curtailing of some of the consequences of an onerous HB87."

But he says that unfortunately some lawmakers insisted on loading up the legislation with extremist anti-immigrant policies. "The changes were unjust, burdensome and unnecessary," Gonzalez said, adding that a part of the bill will "created significant burden on local governments and schools all across the state."

Gonzalez said that at a time when the country is moving forward with comprehensive immigration reform, "it is unconscionable that Georgia Legislators and Governor Nathan Deal insist on these type of Jose Crow laws which embarrass our state and make our state less hospitable for foreign visitors, foreign investment and harms our ability to maintain a healthy foreign workforce."
Gonzalez said "it is unconscionable that Georgia Legislators and Governor Nathan Deal insist on these type of Jose Crow laws which embarrass our state and make our state less hospitable for foreign visitors, foreign investment and harms our ability t

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