
Bond decision expected Wed. for terrorist defendants

By Jerry Gunn
Posted 7:10PM on Tuesday 15th November 2011 ( 12 years ago )
GAINESVILLE - Following an all day hearing, federal Magistrate Judge Susan Cole adjourned her court, expecting to make a decision Wednesday on whether to release four Northeast Georgia men charged in a domestic terrorist plot on bond.

The government brought its first witness to the stand Tuesday morning at Gainesville Federal Court in the bond hearing of the four defendants accused of plotting attacks with guns, explosives and deadly toxins against government officials and buildings.

U.S. assistant attorney Robert McBurney played several taped clips of defendants Fredrick Thomas and Dan Roberts talking about their plans to informants and an undercover F.B.I. agent. He also entered into evidence an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle and a silencer that fit the weapon.

Thomas' attorney Jeff Ertel said that the men had overt and covert plans including the intent to replace the state National Guard and become the Governor's army in the event of an insurrection and a government collapse.
Ertel, who represents Thomas, said the suspects never had specific plans to kill a specific person and he questioned the credibility of a confidential government informant, who he said was accused of child molestation and was possibly trying to get a deal to get his prison time reduced upon conviction.

On the tape clips, recorded secretly by the informants and the undercover agent from March through November this year, Thomas and Dan Roberts talked about buying explosives, weapons and silencers and targeting government officials and buildings in Atlanta including the ATF and IRS buildings. Thomas, in one clip said 'it was time to do something highly illegal
(L-R) Ray Adams, Samuel Crump
(L-R) Dan Roberts and Fredrick Thomas

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