
Planning staff recommending approval of Cresswind request

By Ken Stanford Contributing Editor
Posted 4:12PM on Saturday 5th June 2010 ( 14 years ago )
GAINESVILLE - The owners of what was Seasons on Lanier want to increase the number of homes on the site while reducing the size of some of them, and the city of Gainesville planning staff is recommending approval of the request, with conditions.

As we reported May 15, Cresswind at Lake Lanier is asking the city for permission to build 799 homes as opposed to 750, increasing the density to 1.95 per acre while reducing the size of 200 of the homes from 1,500 square feet to 1,250 square feet.

The Kolter Group bought the Browns Bridge Road/McEver Road tract from bankruptcy court earlier this year. The mixed-used planned community is partially developed and contains 63 lots owned by private individuals, some of them fulltime residents of the 393-acre development.

The request goes to the planning board Tuesday night with the planning staff's recommendation of approval.

The application says the requested zoning amendment is needed "in order to better address buyer preferences and the current economy."

The Kolter Group is also proposing to reduce the total green space from 215 acres to 180 acres; remove the greenhouse requirement from the amenity package; and allow the option to allow an at-grade crossing on Browns Bridge Road between the northern and southern components of the development just west of Montgomery Drive. At present, the zoning requires a tunnel or bridge to be constructed.

Posted below is the the analysis the planning staff used in considering its recommendation and the recommendation itself:


(1) Is the proposed use suitable in view of the zoning and development of adjacent and nearby property?

The proposed zoning amendment is suitable based on the zoning and development of adjacent and nearby properties. The residential component is surrounded by single-family residential homes and vacant land. These properties are zoned Residential-I (R-I), Agricultural Residential-III (AR-III), Residential-I-A (R-I-A), and Planned Unit Development (P-U-D). Other nearby uses includes a retail shopping center, bank, pharmacy, church and Elan Pharmaceuticals. These properties are zoned Regional Business (R-B), Neighborhood Business (N-B), and Planned Unit Development (P-U-D).

(2) Will the proposed use adversely affect the existing use or usability of adjacent or nearby property?

The proposed amendments should have minimal impacts to the existing use or usability of adjacent or nearby property. For the most part, the additional 49 lots will be absorbed within the existing layout of the subdivision except for 13± lots which will be located within a new model home street adjacent to the club house/tennis area. The proposed home design and the proposed club house will be of high quality and are in character with the existing community. If constructed, the optional at-grade intersection connecting the southern and northern portions of the planned community will impact traffic flows along Browns Bridge Road. A new revised Traffic Impact Study (TIS) will need to be performed if this option is selected.

(3) Is the proposed use compatible with the purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Plan?

The Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan places the majority of the subject property within the Suburban Residential-Medium Density category, and a portion of the subject property within the Mixed-Use district. The proposed zoning amendment request appears to meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan.

(4) Are there substantial reasons why the property cannot or should not be used as currently zoned?

The subject property is zoned Planned Unit Development (P-U-D) which is a site specific zoning. Due to the economy and the changes in buyer preferences, the new property owner/developer (The Kolter Group) is proposing to amend the existing planned community.

The amended request proposes to increase the maximum number of residential homes from 750 to 799 for a density of 1.95 dwelling units per acre; reduce the minimum home square footage of heated floor space from 1,500 to 1,250 for 200 homes; reduce the total green space from 215 acres to 180 acres; remove the greenhouse requirement from the amenity package; provide for clarity to allow the developer to provide for sidewalks and walking trails where topographically feasible; and allow the option of providing an at-grade vehicular crossing along Browns Bridge Road in order to connect the northern and southern components of the development. At present, the zoning requires a tunnel or bridge to be constructed.

The proposed changes appear to be in concert with the original purpose and intent of the master planned community and do not appear to lower the quality of the development. In fact, the proposed model home designs and club house appear to meet and or exceed the existing development standards within the mixed-use community.

(5) Will the proposed use cause an excessive or burdensome use of public facilities or services, including but not limited to streets, schools, water or sewer utilities, and police or fire protection?

The proposed zoning amendment request will add minimal loads to the existing public facilities and services over time due to an increase of 49 single-family homes. However, according to the Public Utilities Department and Police Department, existing public sewer, water, and public safety facilities are sufficient to serve the development. City Police and Fire already respond to adjacent and nearby properties. City Fire Station #4 is located approximately 2.45 miles away off of Memorial Park Drive.

The previous TIS performed during July of 2005, revealed that the residential component would generate approximately 3,002 daily trips. According to the  Trip Generation Manual as published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, the revised request would generate an additional 29 A.M. and 35 P.M. peak hour new trips per day. The applicant s proposal to add the option of constructing an at-grade crossing as opposed to a bridge or tunnel will impact traffic movements along Browns Bridge Road. A new TIS will be required if an at-grade crossing is proposed. Any required traffic improvements shall be at the full expense of the developer.

Lastly, because the development is an age restricted community, there should be no adverse impact or increase in the load on the city school system.

(6) Is the proposed use supported by new or changing conditions not anticipated by the Comprehensive Plan or reflected in the existing zoning on the property or surrounding properties?

The subject property is located within an area that is comprised of a mixture of residential and non-residential land uses. The planned community is compatible with the purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Plan. It is staff s opinion that the proposed zoning amendment request presents a balance between the existing development within the planned community as well as the existing and expected development along this segment of Browns Bridge Road.

(7) Does the proposed use reflect a reasonable balance between the promotion of the public health, safety, morality, or general welfare and the right to unrestricted use of property?

Due to the nature of the proposed use and its proximity to existing residential and non-residential land uses, this proposed zoning amendment request with suggested conditions, appears to promote a reasonable balance between the interests of the city, the property owner, and neighboring residents and property owners.


The Planning Division staff is recommending conditional approval of this zoning amendment request, based on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the adjacent residential and non-residential uses.


1. The applicant s revised narrative, revised concept plan, revised survey, revised architectural/sign renderings, trail plan, landscape plan, and traffic impact study listing the detailed design standards and infrastructure improvements, subject to Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) approval or alternative requirements, shall be made part of the zoning ordinance and listed as Exhibits  A through  G .

2. An emergency access plan shall be prepared by the owner/developer for the proposed development addressing the location and accessibility of limited access points along Browns Bridge Road for public safety vehicles. The plan must be approved by the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT), Gainesville Public Works Department, and the City of Gainesville Fire and Police Departments.

3. The developer shall have the option of providing access to the property located on the south side of State Route 369 with either a bridge or tunnel connecting the north side of the highway, or as an at-grade intersection with the highway. The developer selected option shall be subject to the final approval of location and design by joint agreement of the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) and the City of Gainesville Public Works Director. If an at-grade intersection is proposed, the owner/developer shall perform a new Traffic Impact Study and install a traffic signal if warranted by GDOT.

4. Any road or signalization improvements required by either the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) and/or the City of Gainesville Public Works Department shall be the financial responsibility of the owner/developer.
5. The owner/developer shall work with the Planning Division to ensure that the aesthetics of the proposed overpass bridges, tunnel or at-grade intersections with State Route 369 are architecturally compatible with the proposed development.

6. The subject property shall have a minimum perimeter buffer area of 35 feet on its overall boundary lines, excluding the front of the retail portion of the development fronting McEver Road and Browns Bridge Road. The minimum perimeter buffer area may be reduced administratively to 25-feet if the property boundary is bermed and replanted or an opaque fence or wall is erected, subject to Planning Division approval. Along Browns Bridge Road, a wall or berm shall be erected/planted between any houses/lots which adjoin Browns Bridge Road and its right-of-way. Internal to the property, a minimum 25-foot buffer is required along Ivy and Mill Roads. In addition, a 50-foot perimeter buffer shall be maintained along the boundaries of the subject property abutting and adjacent to Lake Lanier and Ã

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