It will be located next to the Village at Deaton Creek retirement community.
According a filing with the state Department of Community Affairs (DCA), it will be knowN as Thompson Mills Village of Village at Deaton Creek.
A posting on the DCA Web site says it will include 657 residential units (condominiums and townhomes); 424,218 square feet of retail space; and, an office component, consisting of 359,249 square feet.
Vintage Communities, Inc., Lawrenceville, is the developer and projects that the entire project would not be finished until 2015, at a cost of $250 million. According to the filing with DCA, the development, at complete build-out, would generate $3.2 million dollars in annual local tax revenue.
The residential part of the development would be located in Gwinnett County, the rest of it, in Hall County.