
Senators, immigration proposal greeted by boos at GOP convention

By The Associated Press
Posted 12:50PM on Saturday 19th May 2007 ( 17 years ago )
<p>The immigration compromise brokered in Washington may be a tough sell for conservatives in Georgia.</p><p>U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss was met with boos and hisses from crowd when he mentioned a temporary guest worker program at the state Republican Party convention.</p><p>"It's not a matter of getting everything we want," Chambliss said. "But it's a matter of getting everything we can that's good in an immigration reform bill."</p><p>Chambliss and Georgia's other U.S. senator, Johnny Isakson, defended the still-developing proposal. They said it contained tough measures, like construction of a border fence and the creation of biometric IDs for immigrants.</p><p>Both lawmakers conceded that they would need to do more to educate voters about the plan's strengths.</p><p>The convention drew some 1,000 party faithful to a hall filled with posters for Republican GOP presidential contenders. Gov. Sonny Perdue used the platform to explain his recent decision to veto a property tax rebate.</p><p>It's the first time Georgia's Republicans have gathered together since the bitter feud that erupted over the state budget and Perdue's veto.</p><p>________</p><p>On the Net:</p><p>HASH(0x2de9bec)</p>

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