Dennis J. Donovan, of Wadley-Donovan-Gutshaw Consulting, told the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce on Monday there used to be few complaints from clients of his Bridgewater, N.J.-based company when Atlanta was among recommended places to relocate or expand a business.
But that has changed in recent years, Donovan said.
``Every one of our companies, every one of them, says, 'Boy, isn't there a lot of traffic down there?''' he said.
While Donovan said he has not yet seen his clients refuse to consider Atlanta, he said he believes some companies are quietly ruling out Atlanta because of its traffic.
Many places have transportation funding problems, but Atlanta's traffic is the second worst in the nation, Donovan noted, and ``the planning and funding to make sure this wouldn't happen hasn't been done.''
Also at the meeting were representatives of the Dallas and Charlotte, N.C., chambers of commerce.
The Dallas official advocated public-private toll roads, and the Charlotte official talked about that region's half-cent tax that is paying for bus expansion and a newly opened light rail line. Both said light rail in their areas have had high ridership.
Donovan did not give a recommendation on what type of transportation funding should be adopted, but said the Atlanta area needs a big, holistic solution including roads.
``You're way beyond that point. This shouldn't be a subject of debate,'' he said.

Atlanta Traffic