City council candidates divided on legion park proposal
By by Ken Stanford
Posted 12:14PM on Wednesday 30th August 2006 ( 18 years ago )
GAINESVILLE - With the Gainesville City Council apparently hopelessly deadlocked 2-2 on whether to turn some American Legion land into a city park, some people are wondering how the candidates for the lone vacancy on the council stand on the idea.<br>
Three men running for the post vacated by Mark Musselwhite earlier this year when he resigned to run for the state Senate.<br>
Danny Dunagan minced no words: he opposes to the plan as it now stands "based on the master plan for parks and recreation and the parks and recreation (board's) recommendation for denial and the budget."<br>
Joe Diaz doesn't like the plan, either, but doesn't want to shut the door on the idea just yet. "I don't think it's been fully explored and there are better choices we need to get on the table." Diaz also notes the opposition to the idea from some Island Drive residents and others who live in the area.<br>
Ashley Bell says he would be inclined to vote for it - if it can be done without a tax increase because "I feel that the citizens are not willing to have another tax increase for another park."<br>
Council raised taxes this year to help pay for the Frances Meadows Community Center.<br>
The election is November 7.
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