According to the Georgia Secretary of State's Office, to register to vote in Georgia, you must be:
A citizen of the United States
A legal resident of Georgia and of the county in which you wish to vote
At least 18 years of age by election day
Also, you may not register to vote if you are currently:
Serving any sentence imposed by the conviction of a felony
Judicially determined to be mentally incompetent
In the state of Georgia, you do not have to register by political party to vote in the state's regular primaries or general elections.
You may register to vote at any time, but you must be registered by the close of registration prior to an election if you wish to vote on election day, i.e., the application must be postmarked by the voter registration deadline.
If you are registering for the first time in Georgia, and you register by mail, you are required to show one of the acceptable types of identification by:
*mailing a copy of the identification with your voter registration application
*providing a copy of the identification to the registrar during the absentee voting process, or
*by showing one of the pieces of acceptable identification when voting at the polling place.
Voter Registration
Georgia citizens have access to several methods of registering to vote:
*Download and complete a voter registration application.
*Contact your local county board of registrars' office or election office, public library, public assistance office, recruitment office, schools and other government offices for a mail-in registration form.
*E-mail your request for a voter registration form to us, or write us at Office of the Secretary of State, Elections Division, Suite 1104 West Tower, 2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30334-1505. Please include your name and mailing address.
*Registration is offered when you renew or apply for your driver's license at Department of Motor Vehicle Safety drivers license posts.
*College students can obtain Georgia voter registration forms, or the necessary forms to register in any state in the U.S., from their school registrar's office or from the office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
Change of Residence
Voters are required to notify the board of registrars of their county of residence whenever they move.
If you move within the same county in which you are registered to vote and don't notify the registrar at least 30 days prior to an election, you may vote in your old polling place for that election. You must file a notice of your new address. This can be done by writing your county board of registrars' office, or by submitting a new voter registration application.
If you move outside the county in which you are registered to vote within 30 days of an election, you may vote in your old precinct for that election.
If you move outside the county in which you are registered to vote in excess of 30 days prior to an election, you have lost your eligibility to vote in the county of your old residence. You must register to vote in your new county of residence. If you don't register to vote by the deadline, you cannot vote in that particular election.
Precinct Cards
If you have misplaced or have not received your precinct card within two to three weeks of submitting your application, please contact your county board of registrars' office to request a new precinct card or to check the status of your application.
In Gainesville, the registrar's office is located at the corner of John Morrow Parkway/Dawsonville Highway and Pearl Nix Parkway near Colonial Lakeshore Mall.