Ruth Bruner, chairman of The Educational Foundation and Museum of Beulah Rucker Inc., says the family is signing over to the board land owned by the estate.
"The family is giving a letter of intent to actually...donate the land except for the two houses that the family still maintains," Bruner said, "so that we will have this land in perpetuity for educational purposes."
Bruner says there is much she and the board would like to do to enhance the Athens Highway site.
"(We would like) to provide an amphitheatre at the site and a garden and a beautiful place to have meetings and have those special opportunities for children for the ages to come."
The first State of the Museum Breakfast and Address was held Saturday morning.
The museum is at 2101 Athens Highway.
Rucker started the first school for African-American children in Gainesville in the early 1900s. It continued in various forms until the late 1950s.