
Jefferson man is nation's top Poultry Science student

By by Ken Stanford
Posted 1:19PM on Tuesday 4th May 2004 ( 20 years ago )
GAINESVILLE - A love of learning, hands-on experience and lots of hard work make the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association's Top Poultry Science Student of the Year.

Brandon Boone, 22, of Jefferson, raises broiler chickens in the three houses on the "2nd Chance" poultry farm as a fourth generation chicken farmer. He has done this while attending Gainesville College and the University of Georgia and has become the inaugural recipient of the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association's Top Poultry Science Student of the Year Award. Brandon, his father, John, his grandfather, Charles, and great grandmother, Edrie Campbell, all raised chickens on this same land.

A 1999 graduate of Jackson County Comprehensive High School in Jefferson, Georgia, Brandon describes himself as "not very motivated in high school when it came to studying." He excelled in all his agricultural classes and was active in the school's Future Farmers of America program. He showed swine and judged chickens and won numerous awards.

After graduating from high school, attending college seemed like the appropriate thing to do. Brandon applied to Gainesville College and was accepted. With a low high school grade point average (GPA) and several college prep courses missing, he was required to take college entrance exams. The results of the tests showed that Brandon needed to take some classes to bring him up to college level. During those required remedial courses Brandon realized that he had a real love of learning. While at Gainesville College Brandon earned a total of 82 credit hours and had a GPA of 3.5.

Initially, Brandon decided to major in engineering because a friend in the poultry industry, Elton Maddox, CEO/President, of Continental Grains (Conti-Group), recommended it, but Brandon was still wasn't quite sure that was the path that he wanted to take.

"I was horrible in math straight out of high school and I all but failed Algebra!," Boone said. "Carol Pinson Howard was the person who originally advised me for my first semester of classes at Gainesville College, I wish you could have seen the look on her face when I told her I wanted to major in engineering just after she signed me up for MATH 0097."

During class one day at Gainesville College, Brandon's instructor encouraged him to "build on what you know". It was then that Brandon decided that what he knew best was chickens and he would build upon that.

Brandon changed his major to Poultry Science and took the courses he could at Gainesville College before transferring to the University of Georgia's Poultry Science program in the fall of 2002. While at UGA, Brandon has been on the President's List each semester and has a 4.0 GPA.

Brandon serves as president of the UGA Poultry Science Club and stands out as a model student. Dr. Mike Lacy, Head of the UGA Poultry Science Department and advisory of the Poultry Science Club said "He is a hard worker and is academically bright. He is a tremendous leader and has put the club above himself to make an exceptional impact on those around him."

Dr. Lacy went on to say that "Brandon's leadership has taken the club to a new level." The club adopted families during the holidays and provided food and necessities. They also entered a float in the UGA Homecoming Parade for the first time ever and won first place.

The requirements for the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association's Top Poultry Science Student of the Year Award were work experience, letters of reference, high GPA and outstanding extracurricular activities and future plans in the poultry industry. Brandon met and exceeded the requirements and was chosen from students all over the country for the outstanding honor. In addition, the UGA Poultry Science Club under the leadership of Brandon was chosen as the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association's Top Poultry Science Club of the Year.

Brandon did all this while still growing a top bird for Wayne Farms. Several times during his college career, Brandon has been the top grower for Wayne Farms. He and his grandfather, Charles, have a "friendly" competition against each other for this title that is based on the size of the chicken that is produced and the amount of feed that is required. Charles has two broiler houses just down the road from Brandon's and will smile as he tells you that he "taught Brandon everything he knows."

Brandon's father, John, took a slightly different direction in that he has a breeder farm nearby. His hens actually produce the eggs that become the chicks Charles and Brandon raise.

As Brandon began to look toward earning his bachelor degree from UGA he had a desire to also complete his associate degree from Gainesville College. He returned to Gainesville College and finished the course work necessary to earn his Poultry Science degree.

This May, Brandon will participate in two graduation ceremonies. He will earn his Associate of Poultry Science from Gainesville College and his Bachelor of Poultry Science degree from the University of Georgia. Brandon said of the Gainesville College Graduation Ceremony which will be held on Thursday.

"I'll be the only person that night that walks across the stage wearing a UGA class ring that will turn around and walk again Saturday at UGA."

Brandon has also been awarded the Nesbit-Flatt outstanding senior award for the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences at UGA, which is the equivalent of being valedictorian of his graduating class. This award has earned him the privilege of giving a short speech to the seniors in his college at the UGA graduation on Saturday, May 8, 2004.

What happens after graduation?

"I will eventually go to graduate school and probably earn a degree in genetics, but until then I plan to work hard on my farm."

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