Ted Turner now a Floridian
Posted 8:05PM on Thursday 30th January 2003 ( 22 years ago )
TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA - Ted Turner is now officially a Floridian. <br>
Turner, the TV mogul who called his apartment atop the CNN Center in Atlanta his official home, now lists his legal residence as his 25,000-acre Avalon Plantation outside of Tallahassee, according to spokeswoman Maura Donlan. <br>
Donlan said Thursday, ``He spends twice as much time in Florida than he spends in Georgia. His private home at Avalon is by far the family home. That is where he spends Christmas and New Year's and Thanksgiving and that's where he married Jane (Fonda).'' <br>
Turner's accountants had urged him for years to list Florida, which has no state income tax, as his residence, but Donlan said he resisted because of his connections to Atlanta as founder of Turner Broadcasting and CNN. <br>
Donlan said he already has obtained a Florida driver's license, registered to vote in the Sunshine State and obtained Florida fishing and hunting licenses.
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