
Telecommunications firm XO says bankruptcy is imminent

Posted 5:52PM on Friday 29th March 2002 ( 22 years ago )
RESTON, Va. - Struggling telecommunications firm XO Communications warned in its annual report Friday that it will likely file for bankruptcy as part of a restructuring plan. <br> <br> The announcement comes as little surprise: The company lost $2.1 billion in 2001, and the Nasdaq market suspended trading in November. <br> <br> The company had already warned investors that its stock would likely be worthless. It now trades over the counter at 8 cents a share. <br> <br> The bankruptcy filing, which the company said &#34;could be commenced in the very near future,&#34; would allow it to get out from billions of dollars in debt. <br> <br> It would also allow the company to complete a deal with Forstmann Little Investors and Telmex, Mexico&#39;s dominant telecommunications company. Under the deal, which is contingent on a bankruptcy restructuring, the two companies would each invest $400 million in XO in return for an 80 percent stake in the company. <br> <br> Forstmann Little had already invested $1.5 billion in XO. <br> <br> The Forstmann deal is opposed, though, by bondholders who believe that giving an 80 percent stake in the company in those two investors would leave too little for them. <br> <br> Financier and corporate raider Carl Icahn, who holds millions of dollars in unsecured bonds in XO, made a competing offer last week, offering $500 million for a 50 percent stake. The company said it is still analyzing Icahn&#39;s offer. <br> <br> XO blamed the general downturn in the telecommunications industry for its woes. <br> <br> The annual report also indicates that four of the five top executives in the company received bonuses averaging $222,736, on top of annual salaries averaging $290,000. Daniel F. Akerson, the company&#39;s chief executive officer, opted not to take a bonus. <br> <br> It&#39;s not clear how the bankruptcy will affect the company&#39;s 6,700 employees, although the company says in its report that it does not expect employees or customers to be adversely affected by bankruptcy proceedings. <br> <br> Calls to the company were not returned Friday. <br> <br>

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