
Perdue quote of King upsets some

Posted 5:27PM on Thursday 7th November 2002 ( 22 years ago )
ATLANTA - Civil rights advocates say they are upset over Governor-elect Sonny Perdue&#39;s use of a quote made famous by the Reverend Martin Luther King. <br> <br> But Perdue says he intended NO offense when he used the line during his victory speech Tuesday night. <br> <br> Perdue made history when he defeated Governor Barnes to end 130 years of Democratic governors in Georgia. <br> <br> During a victory party at hotel in Buckhead, Perdue described his joy by quoting what he called ``an old saying.&#39;&#39; <br> <br> He then went on to say, ``Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty, free at last.&#39;&#39; <br> <br> Civil rights leaders, including the Reverend Joseph Lowery, felt the comment was inappropriate. <br> <br> Lowery worked closely with King and noted yesterday that King was talking about blacks gaining oppression from oppression when he used the line as the closing of his ``I Have a Dream&#39;&#39; speech in 1963. <br> <br> Lowery accused Perdue of stealing the line and saying it -- quote -- ``with a Confederate flag waving behind him.&#39;&#39; He told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution the use of the line was inappropriate and that Perdue should explain. <br> <br> Longtime King advocate Lynn Cothren called use of the quote thoughtless and said you can&#39;t compare the fight over the Governor&#39;s Mansion with King addressing issues of poverty, racism and war. <br> <br> Perdue contended that while the remark was somewhat politicized, but that Republicans can empathize with what Perdue called ``the stakes&#39;&#39; of King&#39;s comment.

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