
ADM to discontinue Savannah Cocoa operations

By wire reports
Posted 2:52PM on Monday 28th January 2002 ( 23 years ago )
SAVANNAH - The Archer Daniels Midland Company announced today that it will discontinue operations indefinitely at its Savannah, Georgia cocoa processing plant, effective April 1, 2002. <br> <br> This facility, acquired in 1997 from ED&F Man Company, produced cocoa butter and cocoa powder and will continue to be used as a warehouse.<br> <br> <br> This plant closure is part of ADM&#39;s continuing review of all manufacturing assets. ADM is committed to improve returns by closing under-performing plants.<br> <br> Archer Daniels Midland Company is a world leader in agricultural processing. The company is one of the world&#39;s largest processors of soybeans, corn, wheat and cocoa.

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