
The Giving $ea$on Is Here

By Bill Crane
Posted 10:00AM on Monday 5th December 2022 ( 1 year ago )

As we finally emerge from this pandemic, and folks are traveling and having holiday events again, a gaping recession apparently looms just ahead.  But for now, at least judging by the crowds on Black Friday, consumers are exercising some pent-up demand.

As a year-round deal and bargain shopper, always with an eye for that 'special something' for many friends and family members, I can happily report most all my gift shopping is done, all that is left is to bag, tag and give Santa an assist in getting those gifts under the appropriate trees.  However, the holiday season is also a time for remembering and giving to those who often have the least, who are just coming from a Halloween where they too got a rock.

The number of charitable events, galas and causes this time of year can be I tend to stick with entities, organizations, and causes that I know have a real need, where administrative costs are low, and where my dollars or the limited spotlight which I can shine will do the most good.

So for your naughty/nice and please save a slice are some giving suggestions.  And as it will be tax time before you know it as well, wouldn't you rather be giving these folks a bit more of your wallet than Uncle Sam?

Clark's Christmas Kids (Holiday gifts for Georgia youth in foster care) - Now in its 32nd year, the King of Saving Your Green, Clark Howard, with the assist of his able Consumer Saving team and colleagues at WSB Radio, will help insure at least one holiday gift awaits each of the more than 10,000 children, teens and young adults in foster care across Georgia.  ZERO administrative costs -

FODAC - Friends of Disabled Adults & Children was founded by a Vietnam veteran, Ed Butchart, who spent his holiday season as Santa Claus, and most of the rest of the year re-building wheelchairs and other mobility equipment for those temporarily or permanently disabled or mobility impaired.  For several decades, Santa Butchart and FODAC (incorporated in 1986) held a Santa Breakfast in Stone Mountain Park.  Differently abled children and their families got a visit with Santa, a sumptuous breakfast buffet, a gift for each child...and a Christmas caroling competition.  This year again emceed by WSB-TV's longtime Chief Meteorologist Glenn Burns, tickets are still on sale for the Saturday, December 10th breakfast, this year in a new venue at Rehoboth Baptist Church in Tucker, Georgia -

My Three Sicklers Holiday Breakfast - The Aflac Cancer & Blood Disorders Service Centers at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta treat and support one of the largest populations of children with sickle cell anemia in the nation.  The genetically passed blood disorder is a lifelong challenge, but treatment innovations continue to improve the quality of life for those plagued by this chronic illness.  Mapillar Dahn is a mother of three daughters with sickle cell.  She created a foundation, the MTS Sickle Cell Foundation, Inc., and the foundation sponsors an annual holiday breakfast for young sickle cell patients and their families on Saturday, December 17th in Hampton, Georgia at the South Clayton Recreation Center.  Sponsor a family, or pass along the invitation for a free treat and event to a family with someone living with this challenge -

Salvation Army of Metro Atlanta -  Uniformed members of the Salvation Army are each ordained ministers and missionaries.  Their mission is broad and ranges from addiction recovery to disaster recovery to managing multiple youth recreation programs for other non-profits in metro Atlanta including the Boys & Girls Clubs.  The ubiquitous holiday kettles bring in a disproportionate share of their annual cash flow, and while the demand for their services continues to increase, their donor base is aging out.  So as larger cash donations are not best advised in a Red Kettle, you can give here to a virtual kettle, and even later set up your own Virtual Kettle for year-round support of this army's good works -!/donation/checkout?utm_source=google_lerma&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=general_brand&utm_content=text&utm_campaign=edonation_national_brand&gclid=Cj0KCQiAsoycBhC6ARIsAPPbeLvJ8Yv9oWhTHfByOuUVRv7gXnLyy_MAI63rSuzfTotv0zU_P6XqTNgaAtrHEALw_wcB&pid=cpc:edonation_southern_brand::google_lerma:::::southern_southern:general_brand:evergreen

And just as each family and household has its own faith and holiday traditions, you may already have yours well-established.  And certainly, each community has its own worthy causes as well.  However these holiday spirits move you, I urge you to remember, as Tiny Tim once so eloquently said, "God bless us...every one."  May the spirit move you and please give, you will be glad you did.

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