Oakwood City Council decided to deny one town home community but approve an apartment complex development aimed at college students at their meeting Monday night.
The council heard from MB Endeavors, who wanted to build 107 town home units on a 11.94 acre parcel of land at 5025 McEver Road, with the development entrance also located on that road. The land was already zoned as "Highway Business" and council noted in their discussion that the comprehensive plan indicated it would best be used as a commercial space.
After the land owner spoke up for the project, three others spoke in opposition, worried about the density of the project within the area.
After discussion between the council members, in which council member Stephen Hendrix noted the comprehensive plan should have been considered prior to Monday's public hearing and planning commission, the rezoning request was denied 3-2, with Todd Wilson and Dwight Wood casting the no votes.
The council all agreed on the apartment complex development on 6.6 acres at 0 Oakwood Hills Road and 18.94 acres located at 4051 and 4077 Mundy Mill Road.
Developer Kurt Alexander described the complex as geared towards the University of North Georgia - Gainesville student in mind; the campus does not have residential space on campus and another development was recently approved near the college campus that also catered to the students.
No one spoke for and one person spoke against the development. Council unanimously approved the rezoning of the Oakwood Hills Drive parcel from "Highway Business" to "Planned Residential Development," as well as approving the application, first reading and zoning from "Agricultural Residential" to "Planned Residential Development" for the parcel at 4051 and 4077 Mundy Mill Road. The development was approved under the condition it would meet the District Design Overlay Conditions.
Also at the meeting, council voted to abandon Meadow Place as a city road, due to lack of service to the public, and approved the 2019 budget.
