
Lula imposes emergency sign moratorium

Posted 12:01AM on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ( 9 years ago )

LULA - The Lula City Council voted unanimously Monday night to impose a 60-day emergency sign moratorium in the city.

On the advice of City Attorney Lucky Chandler, the moratorium took effect at midnight Monday (July 20), and will expire at 11:59 p.m. Sept. 19.

The moratorium is on the acceptance, review and processing of applications for sign permits.

Specifically laid out as an exception in the moratorium resolution is the provision that one temporary sign not to exceed four square feet in area and four feet in height may be temporarily installed or placed on any lot or parcel during the moratorium period provided such temporary sign is set back at least 10 feet from the right-of-way and any other property.

The revisit of the city's sign ordinance is due to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in its decision in Reed v. Town of Gilbert, a case involving government regulation of signs.

Lula's mayor and council feel the 60 days is the minimum period required for Chandler, as the city attorney, to evaluate the impact of the Reed decision and whether any revisions need to be made to the city's sign ordinance in order to satisfy any requirements set forth in the Reed decision.

Following the meeting, Mayor Milton Turner summarized.

"We have adopted a resolution doing a 60-day moratorium on signs," Turner said. "The only thing that's allowed is a temporary sign that is four-foot square, which will take care of yard sales, Yard of the Month, those type things - temporary signs."

Turner stressed the reason for the moratorium is "strictly based on a Supreme Court ruling throwing out a lot of ordinances. We'll be reviewing ours and update it and get it done within the next 60 days."

The Lula City Council adopted a resolution establishing a 60-day emergency sign moratorium in the city that took effect at midnight Monday.

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