
Temperatures to climb over weekend

Posted 11:52AM on Friday 25th May 2012 ( 11 years ago )
GAINESVILLE - With hot temperatures expected over the holiday weekend, Hall County emergency officials say you should follow some simple rules when it comes to the heat.

"Take a rest in the shade if you have to be outside, and first and foremost, drink plenty of water," Hall County Fire Marshall Scott Cagle said.

He said there are three levels of heat related issues. They start with heat cramps and progress to heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Cagle said you often see those cramps in athletes that are low on fluids.

He said heat exhaustion is a little more serious. Symptoms include being pale, heavy sweating, headache, nausea and dizziness. Cagle said those symptoms warrant a call to 911 as well plenty of water and a cool place.

The most serious, according to Cagle, is heat stroke, where the body loses its ability to regulate heat. Those symptoms include the loss of sweat and red skin. He said victims can even pass out.

The water and rest can head off those issues from the start, according to Cagle. If you're thinking of a soda or a beer, Cagle said that's not a good idea.

"Sugary drinks or alcoholic beverages do not work. They're not going to re-hydrate you like water is," Cagle said.

The Accuweather Forecast called for a high Saturday around 93.

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